
Sierra Leone Flag in the Paris MoU Grey List


Sierra Leone Flag in the Paris MoU Grey List

Sierra Leone has shown a consistent and steady improvement and growth over the years. The Paris MoU Grey list includes Flags with an average performance for the last three years indicating Flag States with high standards of compliance with International Safety and Security Standards.
Mr Alexandros Stylianou, Technical Manager of SLMARAD, the International office of the Sierra Leone Flag, stated that "It is the result of proactive, coordinated and joint efforts that brought us the best performance in 2023 in the whole Sierra Leone Flag's history. Sierra Leone Flag had the best performance amongst main competitors and jumped once again to the Grey List with excellent results, being categorized in the same list with significantly big Registries. Efficient cooperation and coordination, adequate education, knowledge in depth, continuous training of our people and continuous monitoring of our Fleet are key to improving a ship registry. We wouldn't have made it without all our clients and associates who trusted their fleet to Sierra Leone Flag or provided their services to us including but not limited to, shipowners/managers, seafarers, Flag Safety Inspectors, agents, Recognized Organizations and Registration Officers."
Sierra Leone Flag had the biggest improvement among its main competitors, which indicates that the Sierra Leone Flag remains steadfastly committed to its mission of ensuring compliance with the national and international responsibilities and obligations so as to operate and govern the Registry in accordance with the national and international Laws.

08.05.2024 10:34:01

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